- Have you ever wished you could see your infrastructure’s performance data in more detail than the standard hourly reports? I did too. That’s why I built a simple PowerShell solution that leverages the Aria Ops API to pull metrics at 5-minute intervals—giving you access to a level of insight that out-of-the-box reports …
Read More - I went to upgrade Aria Automation from 8.18 to 8.18.1 in my lab the other day and got blocked by an error I hadn't seen before and unfortunately, LCM and a KB search didn't provide much in the way of help. I decided to check and see what information the command line might have for me. After SSHing in and utilizing …
Read More The other day, I took a leap and activated the IDM integration for my Aria Automation Config instance, after months of punting it down the road and just logging in as root. Unfortunately, once I activated the integration I immediately got a 403 error once I tried to login!
Read More- I was attempting to leverage the saltConfiguration property in a vRA Cloud Template and ran into an issue where vRA would deploy the VM and then fail with an error indicating that the Salt Minion deploy failed. I was particularly puzzled by this because the cloud template I was using had worked previously, so it was a …
Read More - vROPS has a feature called Business Intent, which allows us to control the placement of virtual machines through the use of vSphere tags. Business intent allows us to control the placement of machines on a cluster basis or a host basis, allowing you to optimize the performance and placement of vms in accordance with …
Read More - I've been doing a bit of work in Code Stream lately, and was running into some issues with a pipeline I built a while ago, but had updated the Cloud Template it was interacting with, as a result of these changes in the template I was now getting the error message Unable to resolve task input property : …
Read More - When I was advocating for vRealize Automation while in my previous role, a frequent question I was asked by application owners was: "Can I auto scale my application, like <insert cloud provider here> allows me to?" This question often lead to defensive responses on my part.
Read More - Not long ago I decided to retire a vCenter from my lab - but I didn't retire the VCSA properly, leaving its linked mode partners with an error.
Read More Today we will be reviewing the workflow package used to handle all of the aspects of this automated process. We will be leveraging several built workflows and actions, a set of community sourced workflows, and a simple workflow that stitches them together.
The other posts in this series can be found below:
Read More- I am migrating my blog to hugo. I did a fair amount of debugging on my local system, but with the age of some of the early posts, and this now being the second major migration: home grown blog software -> Wordpress -> Hugo, I fully expect some amount of stuff to be weird. Im going to simply take the approach of …
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