55 days

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55 days. That’s all that stands between me and Ironman Arizona. 3 weeks of hard training, a rest week, 2 weeks of taper/intensity, and then it’s race week.

It’s coming fast, maybe a bit faster then I’m prepared for, but I’ll be ready. This past week was a pretty good week for training, I got a long run in, a long ride, and then a mediumish ride on Sunday. I still haven’t had any weeks that have been the “perfect” week. It seems I am always dropping a workout here, cutting one short there. In the big picture it’s not that big of a deal, but not having any weeks that I’ve really nailed, is a bit difficult to handle mentally. The worst part about this training cycle is not having any races to serve as feedback to gauge my fitness. I really have no idea where I stand

To that end, this week I am scheduling two time trial workouts. Both of them will be a 15 mile trainer ride with a 3.6 mile run afterwards. I plan to do one of them with my Powercranks, and one with standard cranks. I plan to compare them to each other to make one last decision about weather to ride with Powercranks or standard cranks at IMAZ. I’ll be evaluting my Average HR, RPE, Speed, and time in the aero position on the bike, and time, HR, and RPE for the run. Which ever is the best blend is the winner.

Other then that, I’m hoping that a chance to go hard against some sort of a standard will be a good motivator for my last month of hard training.