A perfect week!

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The week ending March 4th, was a awesome week for me training wise. It topped the scales at a little over 25 hours total volume. Here’s how it broke down:

  • Swim: 13,850 SCM – 4:20
  • Bike: 237 miles – 13:20 (all on the trainer)
  • Run: 40 miles – 5:32
  • Strength/Flexibility: 2:09

This was a great confidence boost for me as it’s the first week since late december that I’ve really nailed everything. Some highlights of last week: a very, very solid 2 hour ride on Saturday (Spinervals Aero Base Build Compliation), I also did a short run (4mi) and a swim on Saturday

Sunday was my big day of the week – I ended up doing 5:40 on the trainer, passing the time with Coach Troy on The Hardcore 100, it was plenty hard. As a whole the ride was a great aerobic workout, great to set you up for a run – but he ends it with a handful of 1 minute and 30 second full on sprints – crazy hard stuff. The type of things that makes you really not want to run afterwards. It was probably the best long aerobic ride I’ve had this winter. I started off a little worried that I wasn’t recovered enough from the few days before when in the first 2 hours or so I had a little bit of lightheadedness/dizziness and was having a hard time getting my HR above 105 (low even for me). I stuck with it though, shoving down gel, cliff bars, and gatorade and finally at around 2.5 or 3 hours into it, my heart rate finally started to come up. I ended up averaging 18.1 mph on the trainer. I topped it off with a 5.7ish mile run that started and ended fast but had about 10-15 minutes in the middle at kind of a hobble pass as I tried to get to a rest stop (it’s hard to find a nice private place in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees and you are wearing a nice neon yellow jacket.

All in all it was a great week, topped off with an awesome workout – if the next two weeks are like this last one, I’m very confident that Arizona will be a blast!