Spirit of Racine 2007

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Extremely short race report for this one – in the end it was a very solid day.  It fellshort of what I had hoped for, but how can you complain when you turn in a time that is a minute off your time from last year and you had an aweful run?

No complaints – just a reminder to work on my run.

The day started off with my typical swim, I had a bit of a tough time sighting on the way to the first buoy.

The bike was pretty good, I thought there was a bit of a wind headed South and west. I ended up at 2:22 – I’m pretty happy with that – felt like just the right mix of go hard/pace it.

The run was a disaster. I rode way to fast for where I am at right now with my run. I’m not exactly disappointed with it as I had a feeling it would happen if I rode the way I intended to. I was great until around mile 5 – struggled until a little after the halfway point.  Around the halfway point I started to feel a little better, I wanted to try and catch Mary on her first lap and see how she was doing, that lasted until around mile 8 or so, then I just suffered in the rest of the way. 1:37:00

I ended up coming in at 4:29, something like 60 seconds slower then last year – which was a “perfect” race. Looking back at yesterday I might have been able to run a bit faster had I paced the bike more, but I wouldn’t say that it would have been a sure thing, or that I would have even come out with a faster overall time. In the end it was a very solid day, and a very powerful reminder to stop ignoring my run.