The Climb

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Yes, this post is titled after Miley Cyrus’ new song.  Yes, I like the song.  No, I am not a Miley Cyrus fan, Britney’s new song is much more to my liking.  More on the title in a bit, first let’s start sharing some long overdue information.


First and foremost, this year I am competing as part of Team GEARGRINDER.  Gear-grinder is a clothing company.  They don’t sell cycling clothing per se, but more everyday wear with a cycling flare!  I am very excited to have been invited to join the team, and look forward to representing Gear-Grinder and all the other sponsors this year.

Miley’s song has a few key lyrics in it that struck me, and really reminded me of the importance of not worrying about the destination…

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I’m gonna to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

As I’ve written in my last couple entries, my training isn’t quite where I’d like it to be this year, and I was getting bent out of shape about it.  Those words a very good reminder in my opinion to relax, and just plug away at it.  I’ll get there, and most likely when I get there, I’ll realize I’m not there.

Training.  Last week was pretty good, not a huge volume week (13.5 hours), but I got just about every planned workout in, and had a great long ride on Sunday (3 hours – Spinervals Tough Love).

This week I plan to try to get every workout in, although I hit a stumbling block today.  I didn’t swim this morning because I decided to go at lunch to avoid the crowds – but my Workgroup is having a team lunch :(.  Must get it in!  Fortunately I got to work nice and early so I can leave early and get it in.

Tonight I am planning to do 2×20 on the bike.