Week Ending 2015-06-07

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This week was a very solid week.  I successfully pulled my reach in a fair bit, and have been really happy with the results in how I feel on the bike, my power output, and how much my hip flexors have relaxed.  I’m going to make the cut on the bars, which are currently uncut tri-rig extensions, although maybe I could try the old reliable Profile cobras since I shortened the reach so much.  We’ll see.

I did a pretty piss poor job of my sleep habits this week, and my nutrition in terms of volume consumed, not quality.  I tend to do a good job of not eating shit, but I simply eat too much of it.

Monday –

I did 20×100 SCM in the pool – no warm-up just go.  I did them on a 1:30 send off, and after the first couple held them all under 1:20.  I also did the usual easy run.

Tuesday –

I got excited on my “easy” bike and ended up doing a spinervals DVD (16.0) for some reason.  I held about 260 for all of the “on” efforts.  I did my quality run for the week, doing 15×1′ HARD (1′ Jog) on the treadmill.  I was cursing myself for the lack of intensity discipline the entire mainset.


I did a swim – and pretty much bailed on the planned USRPT set, I felt like garbage. The usual easy run was present.

Thursday –

An easy run, plus a bike ride with a mainset of ????x2′ – bailing when my wattage fell 12% below the target.

Friday –

Felt way better in the pool, doing a mainset of 4x{4×100 @ 1:30 + 2×50 HARD @ 1:00} – I held roughly 1:20 for all of them, and was about 35/36 on the 50s.  I felt like crap on my easy run and cut it short.

Ethan and I did a class at the Zoo, and then went to Mexican for lunch.

Saturday –

A 2 hour easy ride, that was really sucky for the first hour, and got progressively better as the ride progressed.  The usual easy run.

Sunday –

I had planned to do the Bong 30k TT today, however I opted out.  Mary resumed structured workouts again this week, and the logistics of me doing it meant that it would have resulted in a zero for her, or doing her workouts really late in the day.  Instead I did a 2 hour ride, with a 20′ best effort, followed by some steady riding, and a race focus run (30′ alternating 5′ EZ, 5′ Olympic pace).

The 20′ effort went quite well.  It was my highest ever on the trainer by quite a bit, about the same as the one I did ~10 days before Texas (which was outside though), and just shy of matching my best ever (which was also outside).

This week will be a pretty typical week, but lighter on the back half to try and rest a little for Elkhart Lake.  I’ve done Elkhart twice, and performed piss poorly both times.  My goal is to simply have a solid race.  I’m going to try and float the swim, ride well, and follow it up with a good run.