192. That’s how many zero’s I’ve logged since January 1st, 2008. That’s nearly 17% – assuming I don’t log any more between now and the end of the year. That’s almost 5 days a month.
I can’t say if that’s good or bad, since I’ve never really looked at it before – just surprised at how many of them there are!
Read More- So a month ago I wrote about some of the basic steps I would take with you if I were coaching you. Hopefully, you’ve take the time to divide your personality in two (or better yet, tapped a close friend to answer from an outside perspective) and examine your season and future from both the perspective of the athlete …
Read More I thought it would be an interesting exercise to write a post in the form of guidance that I would provide to someone with goals similar to myself. I figure that I should follow the advice I’d give other people – so maybe I should right that down and follow it myself!
The first thing I’d do with the athlete would …
Read MoreA great race is a mixed blessing for me. The motivational benefit, the emotional high, and all the other intangible positives from a great race are an incredible reward for all the hard work done leading up to the race.
Unfortunately, there is a dark side to all those positive benefits – it’s easy for your expectations …
Read MoreI have no idea what the true reader base of my blog is or how “powerful” it is. I know I get about 50 unique visitors per day, so I thought I would the word about an issue I’ve been having with my Cycleops Cervo computer – aka Little Yellow Computer (LYC).
Mine is running firmware 7.6, and while on the bike all the …
Read MoreMy wife kicked some serious ass yesterday. She PR’d by a huge 14 minutes yesterday at the Lakefront Marathon – and I was thrilled to be running with her every step of the way.
Not only that but she ran fast enough to qualify for Boston should she want to do that!!!
Read MoreIf I had to sum 2010 up with a single sentence I think the only one that would be appropriate would be “Wow, what a ride.”
In 2010, I had periods of time in which I was both the least fit and most fit of any other time period over the last 6 or 7 years.
In 2010, I both rediscovered the true joy that I experience while …
Read More- With J-hawk in the books – I have one more weekend of racing before I can really relax. That’s not really true – I’ve been relaxing pretty good already. The weeks since Ironman have been filled with pretty easy workouts. A few 30 minute swims that are glorfied warmups, short bike rides, short runs – basically just …
Read More - The Cheq 40 was a lot harder than I expected. Even discounting the difference in bike handling skills required – which I picked up on the fly – the aerobic conditioning “skills” required to excel at mountain bike racing are quite a bit different than what is required to succeed at Ironman. I realized that I owe MTB …
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