- Several weeks ago, an email chain I had with a friend devolved into suggestions for writings. I started thinking about some of the suggestions and realized that they were actually extremely good suggestions. Some of them supported my belief in the open sharing of knowledge, while others would send me down the road to …
Read More I just posted my Triple T race report. It was an excellent race, and all of my expectations going into it were blown away. It’s amazing what consistant hard work can do. Now my job is to just keep backing it up with great (enjoyable) training!
I’ve got two “good” posts in the works – watch for atleast one of them to …
Read More2010 Triple T Race Notes
The Triple-T prologue always catches me by surprise, despite my background as a sprinter in college swimming “ I have a difficult time spinning the engine up to the necessary level. Despite a good warm-up prior to the race, this year was no exception. The swim and the bike went well …
Read MoreThis week of training notched back a bit. Partially because of the race this weekend (and associated travel tomorrow), and partly because of going to a concert – but according to plan.
Today I’m going to talk about benchmarks. My last post was spurred by a conversation with Matt Amman, today’s is spurred by a side …
Read More“Keep going, keep going, keep going until a little something inside you says, ‘keep going'” –Frank Horwill
First a brief update on training. Running is progressing well. I never thought 30 minutes @ 9:13 pace would be hard, but it’s getting easier each day. Fortunately, I’m so happy to be running and making …
Read MoreWhile google and other search engines will tell you the answer is 42, I’m not sure.
I think the true answer depends on your perspective, but 42 is as good of an answer as any I guess. So why the introspective start to the blog? Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog and what I want to put into it and get …
Read MoreThat’s a picture of my leg the day I had the hard cast removed back in late January.
Not much to post today except for a an update that the 28 day period ending yesterday (3rd “month” of 2010), was the biggest 3rd “month” I’ve done on the bike since the purchase of my powermeter TSS/kJ wise. So that was …
Read MoreThe update on my foot from this last Dr. appointment is that the fracture is still not fully healed, but the Dr. believes it to be stable enough to start a progression to full activity.
That means walking in tennis shoes, riding normally, and a 2 week or so progression towards running. The next appointment is April 7 …
Read MoreWell it’s the middle of March and I’m just getting around to putting the final touches on the season plan. I’ve really delayed doing this because I wanted to focus more on healing my foot – rather than freaking out because it’s not healing fast enough and I’m missing all sorts of training.
The good news is, my next …
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