- In my years on the administration and engineering side of the VMware world a task I was frequently responsible for was creating policies around the standards of my environment and then defining a process to ensure those policies were adhered to. Some examples of the policies I authored was things around snapshot …
Read More - I recently spent a lot of time digging into the question of “How do I enable a PKI signed cert on the vROPS vPostgreSQL database to make my security team happy?” As I often do, I started my journey with a simple google search: “vrops vpostgres ssl“. This search lead me to the helpful page: Enabling TLS on Localhost …
Read More Over the last month or so I have had two customers inquire about vROPS’s ability to perform cross-cluster storage vmotions in order to enforce business intent or multi-cluster workload optimization.
Being the eager wet-behind the ear SE that I am, I set it up in my lab with some vSAN datastores and it worked! Success! …
Read MoreYou may be arriving here having expected some different content. Perhaps you arrived expecting some content related to triathlon, only to be surprised by IT related content – sorry for that!
For many years I have “maintained” three blogs, which means three instances of the blog software and content related to it. I …
Read MoreLast week I had an unfortunate experience; I ignored the expiration warning of a bunch of nested ESXi hosts and allowed the license to expire.
Rather then logging into a bunch of individual hosts to apply a key, I wrote a quick script that will connect to vCenter, ensure all the licenses are the correct one, and then …
Read MoreToday we will be diving into each section of our packer json file and their purpose.
This is the third post of a planned four part series:
- Let’s Build an image pipeline! (part 1) – Setting up the Jenkins CICD pipeline
- Let’s Build an image pipeline! (part 1.5) – Jenkins needs some credentials!
- Let’s Build an image …
Read MoreNote: I enjoy writing, but often find myself not doing so simply because it can take a lot of effort to write a “good” post. In an effort to post more regularly, I’m planning to post more frequent short write-ups of things I am doing in my lab.
One of the most overlooked aspects of your management infrastructure is …
Read MoreThis week I was able to attend the Wisconsin VMUG UserCon. In the past I was always hesitant to go to these as I assumed that I wouldn’t be able to learn anything new. I always figured I know what I need to know technically, what am I possible going to encounter that will increase my technical knowledge. In other …
Read MoreIt took me, not unsurprisingly, longer then expected to sit down and write this post. Primarily because I am a little in shock that I actually achieved this, but also because imposter syndrome kicked in a bit, and really I simply needed time to sort through all the emotions I experienced: euphoria, disbelief, let …
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