- I made a small change to the site last night. Not much, but it’s pretty cool. This site now offers an RSS feed that you can subscribe to using your preferred Feed Reader of choice. Simply add in http://www.cloudsandunicorns.com or </feed/rss/> and get notified whenever there is new content. I’ll add something …
Read More Yesterday as I was on the bike trainer for my long ride (yes I rode 5:30 on the trainer, and yes it was a very nice day – more on that later) I came to realize something. The folks out there that are fast, they are in a completely different Zip Code then I am.
How did I come to that realization – beyond the fact that …
Read More- Boy I’ve been pretty lax about updating my blog. On top of that I’ve been pretty lax about training. Well not to lax, but the past couple of months it seems as though I’m unable to string together more then about 10-12 days of solid workouts, then I have 10-12 days of off/on workouts. It’s made it really difficult …
Read More Been a bit since I posted anything to the blog.
Did the triple T this weekend, and it went really well. I’ll post a detailed race write up in a day or so, but Matt and I finished fourth in the team division – or depending on the way you want to look at it, we won because it was really a race for fourth place. 1, 2 …
Read More- I had a professor in college that was fond of presenting the entire picture of what he was going to teach us, multiple times through out the semester. He would throw up a power point the depicted the overall scheme of things, with what we knew, and were about to learn in the next few classes, and the end result …
Read More Before you look at me all crazy eyed about the title, read on!
I had two races this past weekend, that I’ve been looking forward to for quite a while. The South Shore Half Marathon, and the Single Bong 20k Time Trial. I’ve done the South Shore Half a few times before, but the Bong TT was a new one for me, and it was …
Read More- Was talking with Mary tonight about bikes and stuff. Subject drifted to if what bike I’d want if I had the opportunity to get a new one. I don’t see much difference between frames. I mean an “entry” level frame isn’t that much slower then a “top end frame”. I mean Normann’s new bike the Kueen K wasn’t even designed …
Read More - A lot been going on lately. Some decent training, a couple of races (well one). I did a 5k this past weekend. Last year I did this race a month before Ironman Arizona. I went 18:41 for the race, this year in what I would term good shape, but not world beater shape, I went an 18:22. It’s about 6 seconds faster then …
Read More - Last night I set a new record for observed HR while biking – 165!. Talk about crazy, previous the highest I had even observed was 163. Once upon a time seeing that HR while biking would mean I was close to blacking out with effort. It came during the 15 minute rep of a workout that consisted of 20, 15, 10, 5 minutes …
Read More Training is going good. Last week was pretty good, not great, but had a planned hiccup last week that threw Thursday and Friday off, but all’s good.
Saturday was a big swim, 5,250 meters (5×500 @ 7:15 was main set). Sunday was a 3 hour ride with a 4 mile run. Averaged ~229 watts (removing 20 minute warmup), run was …
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