So I’ve spent a long time hemming and hawing over how to train this year. Something new? The old reliable? What?
Well I spent a bit of time looking at my training log for my 3 tri seasons to date, done a lot of reading, and thinking. And I’ve come up with a basic strategy that will work and [hopefully] give me …
Read More- For a couple of years I have watched various internet forums and personal blogs rant and rave about powermeters. For various reasons, a couple of years ago I decided I wanted/needed a powermeter. Those reasons ranged from I want to be one of the cool kids with bling, to I’m a total geek and to be able to know all …
Read More Did a bike fitness test last night. It was great timing. It was time for one, and my newly purchased SRM arrived. After installing it and getting everything going I did the test. I followed the same protocol as last time.
The result was 21.1 mph average (not sure if I selected the right rollout for my wheel), 313 …
Read MoreAs a follow up to my swim fitness test back in December I did another one this morning. Bit of a different warm-up
- 200 Swim-Kick-Swim
- 8×50 Drill
- 12×25 (world’s greatest transition)
- 1×1000 TT
Final time was 13:10, just shy of where I had hoped to be when I did this about 7 weeks ago – was aiming for sub 13. I am …
Read MoreThere are parts of triathlon that I love and hate. Not surprisingly this is how most things in life are. Today I’m writing mostly about things I dislike in triathlon – I’ll save the love stuff for another snowy day!
I straddle two worlds in my day to day life. One being an uber geek – serving as systems admin in a …
Read More- On the surface Triathlon (and athletics in general) is an endeavor of the human body and mind to see how is the fastest, fittest, or strongest (and sometimes other attributes) depending on the sport. While this is true, sport is ultimately something more then that. It is really nothing more then project management …
Read More Finally had a week where I got everything in last week. There were a few sessions where I didn’t get the amount I wanted, but I got them all!
Total for the week was 13 hours, 59 minutes. Pretty good for January I think. Going to shoot for a little bit higher this week and then slowly build to 18 or so hours and then …
Read MoreI did a bike fitness test last night.
15 minute warm up5x1 minute Ascend effort @ 30 seconds rest30 minute TT, take the average HR of the last 20, and average speed for whole ride
I ended up with an Average HR of 160, and an average speed of 20.9 mph (289 watts per the Kurt Kinetic formula).
When I did this test last …
Read MoreThere is a pro cyclist out there who lost all his belongings in a fire. He was able to recover most of it (not from the fire, but in the sense that he is making do), but is looking for help in raising funds to replace his SRM.
Check it out here – rroof is the guy collecting money and then cutting the guy a check.
Pay …
Read MoreWelcome to 2008! A New Year, a new season, a time to start fresh.
On New Years Eve I did a 5k race at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. It was a fairly flat, fast race. I finished in 18:29 – a PR by 12 seconds. I’m not sure what to think of that. I’m excited to have run a 5k race with a sub 6 minute average, but …
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