Back in February, I decided that I was going to seriously pursue getting my VCDX certification. This is not only a big deal because of the amount of work that it requires, but because for the past 15 or so years I have shunned the pursuit of any and all certifications.
After completing all the pre-requisite exams, I …
Read MoreOK, I know that the title to this post is a bit of a oxymoran. ECMP Active/Passive? Isn’t ECMP about active/active/active/active/…. ? Yes it is, but imagine a scenario where you are building your NSX-v deployment across two campuses, with datacenter firewalls upstream – making it important that you ensure data flow …
Read MoreEarlier this month I took the VCAP 6 DCV – Deploy exam to round out my VCIX 6.5 certification. Previously, I mentioned how important I felt time management was during the VCAP 6.5 DCV – Design exam, well that exam had nothing on the Deploy exam. I used the entire duration and probably could have used another 30 to …
Read MoreThe chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now.
I will leave out my thoughts on Ironman Texas 2018, the race, both the positive and negative. Instead I want to talk about my relationship with triathlon over the last couple years. Aside from my relationship with my …
Read More- A couple of weeks ago I sat the VMware VCAP 6.5 DCV – Design exam as part of the process of completing the prerequisites for submitting for VCDX. I don’t have a lot of insight to add beyond the excellent post by vHersey. I did want to jot a few notes to help relieve the dearth of information out there on this exam. …
Read More Sorry for the delay in getting part two published, life had been busy the past week or so. Today we are going to build upon what we covered in part one, namely the pieces of the code and/or things you need to adapt about the packer template file for it to be functional for your environment.
This is the second post of …
Read More- As I was working on part two of this planned four part series about packer, I realized I forgot a crucial step in setting up Jenkins! Due to part of our pipeline including deployment to an artifact repository and a vSphere environment, we need to create some credentials within Jenkins. I have also created a friendly …
Read More Imagine a world where the next meltdown level vulnerability is announced and you have to patch your image 5 minutes ago. You calmly run a script to force approve patches in your patch manager and 45 minutes later the base template you deploy from in vSphere is updated and all new machines are based on the new image, …
Read MoreI have always been one to pick stupid goals and then make it happen, fortunately for me as I’ve progressed in life from childhood to adulthood I actually learned that when you set an outlandish goal, you probably need to do things bordering on outlandish to accomplish them.
After gaining my MCSE 2003 certification, I …
Read More- A log time ago, in a place not very far a way, I had an irregularly updated blog dedicated to tech stuff that I encountered at work and in my lab, which I unfortunately abandoned (the blog). Recently work has gotten exciting and at the same time I’ve been “forced” to rebuild my home lab, resulting in me deciding to …
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