I learned a very important lessen this last week. A couple of them actually. Actually it's not that I learned a lessen, it's more that the value of the a few basic concepts was simply reinforced.
The race I did last weekend, the inaugural Rockman Triathlon, was put on by a member of an internet forum I participate …
Read More- I've been driving my wife's car a lot this week, so I've been stuck listening to the CDs in her car (the morning shows in Milwaukee are pretty boring). One of her CDs has the song Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks. To me the lyrics of this song are pretty powerful. I've been thinking about them a lot lately. …
Read More 24 seconds is all that seperated 3rd and 4th place in the race I did on Sunday. 3rd place was being run down by 4th, and the guy in 3rd managed to hold off the stalker for the spot. Fortunately (?) 3rd place was me!!!
Yep, I did the inaugural Rockman Triathlon this past weekend and finished third. It was a great race …
Read More- One of the races I was really looking forward to this year is done and gone. I don’t know why, but I get a huge kick out of the Lake Mills Sprint, I’ve done some other sprint races and I just don’t enjoy myself – I think they are to hard. Lake Mills though, I’ve got a soft spot for. It’s a short and sweet race with a …
Read More - Well June is the month I planned to spend a lot of time racing. In the 5 week span between Memorial Day and July I have 4 races. The DeSoto American Triple-T, Lake Mills Sprint Tri, Rockman Triathlon, and the High Cliff Half Ironman. Busy month. While it will be great fun racing that much, it doesn’t leave a lot of …
Read More I’ve got a lot of thoughts swirling in my head, most of them pertain to the same thing, and the ones that don’t are not that important. Although in a manner of thinking a lot of them aren’t important in the grand scheme of things.
Quick update on training – things are going well. I’m not getting enough sleep lately – …
Read MoreThere was a pretty good thread – well an OK thread on Slowtwitch today. Go read it if you want, but one statement struck out at me
If you want to improve from there you will need to find it in you to push harder and risk more in your day to day training rather than continue with the same old training plan.
The …
Read More- I’ve taken some time over the past few days to develop a few goals. Short term goals and long term goals. As part of this process I decided that my long term goals will be universal goals that will help me work to general success in life – as such these goals will be stupid simple goals, but because I’ve picked them …
Read More - It’s always an interesting experience when you are in close to, if not the best shape of your life and you get the crap kicked out of you at a group workout. My wife and I went to our Tri club’s group ride last night for a 34 mile or so hilly ride. The group I road with put me in some good hurt. I tried to give as good …
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